Category: Small Business

Business Assets: Section 1231, 1245, and 1250

Jessica I. Marschall, CPA, ISA AM January 23rd, 2024 Section 1231, Section 1245, and Section 1250 are provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code that deal with the taxation of certain types of assets. What About Depreciation Recapture? Depreciation recapture under Section 1245 and Section 1250 refers to the process by which the IRS […]

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Navigating the IRS: Start-Up Expense Allowance for Small Businesses

Introduction: Starting a small business is an exciting venture that often comes with various costs and expenditures. To assist entrepreneurs in the initial stages of business development, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) offers allowances for start-up expenses. Understanding and properly utilizing these allowances can significantly benefit small businesses, providing them with the financial flexibility needed […]

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What is a Tax Short Year?

A short tax year is a tax period that covers less than 12 months. This can happen for various reasons, such as when a business is established or terminated in the middle of a calendar year, when a taxpayer changes their accounting period, or when there are other circumstances that result in a tax period […]

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Small Business Tax And Accounting Updates: Ending 2022

Article: Small Business Tax and Accounting Updates: Ending 2022 Category: 1040 income tax, IRS, Small Business Small Business Tax and Accounting Updates: Ending 2022 Jessica I. Marschall, CPA Tax Season 2022 is just around the corner.  Our firm put together the most important and prevalent tax and accounting issues pertaining to small businesses. We have […]

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S Corps-The Quick Facts

Article: S Corps-The Quick Facts Category:1040 income tax, S Corps, Small Business Jessica I. Marschall, CPA January 7th, 2023 Businesses may choose S-Corp taxation on the date they start or may elect the tax treatment at a later date moving from a single member LLC or “Disregarded Entity”, or a partnership or multi-member LLC. An […]

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